3 Senior High School Event


   On 30th of September 2017, my school, 3 Senior High School, held an event called Gathapraya. Gathapraya means “Festifal Seni, Sastra, dan Budaya”.The purpose of this event is to take care of our culture, therefore, it would not be claimed by other country.

   Before the main event started, a month ago, all classes were asked to make a mural painting. Then, it was scored by the art teacher at school. Then, the mural painting that wins will be displayed in the event. And when I get there, all of the mural paintings was displayed although they didn't win.

  On the morning of 30th of September 2017, we had a parade where we were all dressed with Indonesian traditional clothing and we walked along Gor. Saparua to Bali Street, Bandung. Also, theres a few students that were told to entered a fashion show.

   On this year event, theres a lot of different peformance. This year we have angklung performance, traditional dancing from one of the guests stars which is Didik Nini Thowok, drama from T'st, sand painting from one of the guests stars which is Vina Candrawati, and many more.

   Theres also lots of workshops there such as face painting, batik stand, gerabah stand, our traditional games stand, and many more.

    This year the guests stars were Hivi, Elephant Kind, and my favorite one was Nidji.

    This Gathapraya event was held from 12 p.m until late at night. This event was oficially started when Governor of West Java cut the ribbon and said a few words to make us felt more excited. W

e also sang our Nathional Anthem which is Indonesia Raya.

    My favorite part of this event was when Nidji perform. Me and my friends really like Nidji because Nidji is one of the biggest and well known band in my country, Indonesia. Although Nidji performance was the last but we were still enthusiastic to see them perform. At that time, I can really feel and prove the words that I said, "Save the best for the last".


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