My Friend's Plan


Amanda: "Hello, Nanda! Good morning."
Ananda: "Hi! Good morning!"
Amanda: "Can I ask you something?"
Ananda: "Sure!"
Amanda: "Do you have any plans for next month?"
Ananda: "No. But I do have plans for December."
Amanda: "Really? What is your plan?"
Ananda: "My plan is to have a sleepover with my Junior High School friends."
Amanda: "Really? When?"
Ananda: "Me and my friends haven't choose the date yet."
Amanda: "Where are you guys going to have the sleepover?"
Ananda: "At one of my friend's house."
Amanda: Where is your freind's house?"
Ananda: "My friend's house is around Lembang."
Amanda: "Really? That's quite far away from here."
Ananda: "Yes, it is quite far away."
Amanda: "How many friends are joining you?"
Ananda: "There's going to be 7 people that's joining us."
Amanda: "Wow! tha's great!"
Ananda: "I know! We're going to have a lot of fun!"
Amanda: "What else are you going to do there?"
Ananda: "We also going to have a barbecue party at my friend's house."
Amanda: "Wow! A barbecue party?! I know that's going to be so fun!"
Ananda: "I know! I can't wait!"
Amanda: "I hope your plan will run smoothly."
Ananda: "Thank you! I hope so too."
Amanda: "Thank you for sharing your plans with me, Nanda!"
Ananda: "You are welcome!"


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