Hey It's Me!

Hello! It's Amanda here!
Today I'm going to tell you all about my self. Starting from my birthday, where I live now, and other stuff.

  So, my name is Amanda Christyarti Wirdyatmi. My nick name is Manda but some of my friends call me Mada. I live in Cipaganti Street on Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I live with my mother, father, and my grandmother. I was born on Jakarta, 9th January 2002 so I'm 15 years old now. I'm the only child in my family. But, I don't feel lonely because I have a pet dog and his name is Max. 

  I was just finished my study at 5 Junior High School in Bandung. Now, I study in 3 Senior High School in Bandung at 10th grade. At school my favourite subject is English bacuse I think English is fun. In my opinion 3 Senior High School is one of the best school in Bandung. And I'm very thankful to God that I can be accepted in 3 Senior High School.

  Now, I'm going to tell you about my hobbies and things that I like to do. So, my hobbies are listening to music and reading novels. My favourite genre of novel is comedy and mystery. I like dancing too but I don't really consider it as a hobby because it's just something that I do at my sparetime. Speaking of my sparetime, I really like to watch  TV, dramas, youtube and movies at my sparetime. My favourite movie is Harry Potter.

  I have quite a lot of dreams. Like for example I really wish I can graduate from 3 Senior High School with the best score that I can get. I will work really hard to achieve it. My next dream is to be a good doctor. The reason why I want to be a doctor is because my grandfather was a doctor and I got really inspired by him and that's why I want to be a doctor.

  And i guess that's the last thing I want to tell you about me today.



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